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Working While Waiting For My Disability Claim

Introduction Hurrah, you have just filed your disability claim. Now you must wait for a response, and it is not coming tomorrow. Come to think…

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7 Possible Reasons You Were Denied Disability

7 Possible Reasons You Were Denied Disability

Were you denied Social Security disability? Nearly 70% of people who file for disability benefits are denied.  The rest of the applications are all denied…More…

5 Mistakes to Avoid Preparing for Your Social Security Disability Appeal

5 Mistakes to Avoid as You Prepare Your Social Security Disability Appeal

What are the five mistakes to avoid as you prepare your Social Security disability appeal? Filing for social security benefits can be a daunting task….More…

Do SSI Lawyers Really Help With Your Disability Claim?

Do SSI Lawyers Really Help With Your Disability Claim?

Do Social Security lawyers really help with your disability claim? If you find yourself in need of assistance for a social security disability case, it…More…

sedentary job

What to Look for in a Great Disability Lawyer

Have you submitted a disability benefits claim and are waiting to hear whether or not it’s been approved? Unfortunately, the odds are stacked against you….More…

Top 5 Tips on Filing a Disability Claim for Pseudoclaudication

Top 5 Tips on Filing a Disability Claim for Pseudoclaudication

Living with back pain can be immensely hard and, at times, all but impossible. For those who suffer from pseudoclaudication, dealing with extreme back pain is…More…

How are PTSD and Disability-Related for Social Security?

How are PTSD and Disability-Related for Social Security?

If you are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), you may be wondering how PTSD and Disability are related to Social Security. Will you be…More…

Is Sleep Apnea a Disability?

Is Sleep Apnea a Disability?

Is sleep apnea a disability? Sometimes the guidelines regarding whether you qualify for SSI or SSDI can be confusing. Some disabilities, Sleep Apnea, for instance,…More…

How Much Should You Pay in SSI Lawyers Fees?

When you are filing for Social Security, it is recommended that you start connecting with SSI and SSDI lawyers to assist you in the process….More…

Can You Win a Disability Claim for Meniere Disease in Spokane, WA?

Can You Win a Disability Claim for Meniere Disease in Spokane, WA?

If you have Meniere Disease and are finding it hard to work, you may qualify for Meniere Disease Disability Benefits. In fact, depending on the…More…

Do I Need a Disability Lawyer When Working With Social Security?

Do I Need a Disability Lawyer When Working With Social Security?

Do you need to file for disability through Social Security? Have you already filed disability and been denied? Maybe we can help! Hiring a disability…More…

Basics of Social Security Lawyers’ Fees

Basics of Social Security Lawyers’ Fees

Hiring a social security lawyer for your claim or appeal might seem to be an overwhelming task. When you factor in the anxiety most people…More…

Long Waits for Social Security Disability Hearing Decisions

Long Waits for Social Security Disability Hearing Decisions

Are you currently awaiting a Social Security Disability hearing decision? Has it been months since you asked for a hearing?  You are not alone. There…More…

What You Can Do When You Receive an SSDI or SSI Denial Letter

What You Can Do When You Receive an SSDI or SSI Denial Letter

Have you applied for Social Security disability insurance (SSDI)? Did you wait months and months to hear back only to see an SSI denial letter…More…

9 Ways A Disability Lawyer Will Help You in Your SSI or SSDI appeal.

9 Ways A Disability Lawyer Will Help You in Your SSI or SSDI appeal.

If you have applied for Social Security Income (SSI) and have received a denial letter, you may be wondering if a disability lawyer can appeal…More…

Do SSI Lawyers Really Help You with Your Disability Claim?

Did you know that hiring an SSI Lawyer to help with your appeal can increase your chances of being approved by double? How? Why? Does…More…