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Working While Waiting For My Disability Claim

Introduction Hurrah, you have just filed your disability claim. Now you must wait for a response, and it is not coming tomorrow. Come to think…

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5 Questions to Ask your Social Security Disability Attorney

5 Questions to Ask your Social Security Disability Attorney

The process of obtaining Social Security can be time-consuming, stressful, and confusing.   Whether you’re filing your initial disability claim or working with a Social Security…More…

Physical Disabilities can be a Barrier to Employment

Physical Disabilities can be a Barrier to Employment

Defining a physical disability seems like it should be straightforward.  Something doesn’t work the way it should!  Should is, of course, a very subjective term;…More…

Substantially Gainful Activity Explained, and Examples

Substantially Gainful Activity Explained, and Examples

Social Security Disability benefits are predicated on whether or not you can perform Substantially Gainful Activity (SGA), so it makes sense that a disability blog…More…

If Your SSI Was Denied Will Your SSDI be Denied Too?

If Your SSI Was Denied Will Your SSDI be Denied Too?

SSI and SSDI are both programs for supporting people who have disabilities that stop them from being able to work.  However, the program that works…More…

Here’s What You Should Do Now That You’ve Filed Your Social Security Disability Claim

Here’s What You Should Do Now That You’ve Filed Your Social Security Disability Claim

You’ve filed for Social Security Disability (or SSI) because you’re unable to work due to an injury or illness.  Great job!  But now what can…More…

5 Reasons Social Security Denied Your Disability Claim When Your Doctor Said You Were Disabled

How Much Does A Social Security Disability Lawyer Cost in Spokane, WA?

For some, the concern about the cost of a great Social Security disability lawyer stops them from ever even picking up the phone to find…More…

5 Reasons Social Security Denied Your Disability Claim When Your Doctor Said You Were Disabled

5 Reasons Social Security Denied Your Disability Claim When Your Doctor Said You Were Disabled

If you’re wondering why Social Security denied your disability when your doctor soundly believed that your ailments were disabled…you’re not alone!  That may offer some…More…

How to Make Social Security Understand Your Mental Health Challenges, 4 Tips

How to Make Social Security Understand Your Mental Health Challenges, 4 Tips

In another article, we discovered there was/is no evidence that having a Mental Health Impairment will improve or decrease your chances of successfully achieving a…More…

The 9 Most Common Reasons SSI Denied You and What You Should Do About it!

The 9 Most Common Reasons SSI Denied You and What You Should Do About it!

One thing we’ve covered many times at this point is that when you apply for SSI, or SSDI & Veterans service-connected disability benefits – you…More…

How to Choose a Social Security Lawyer in Spokane

How to Choose a Social Security Lawyer in Spokane

If you’re looking for a Social Security Lawyer in Spokane, WA or northern Idaho here’s a checklist of five things to consider. Are they actually…More…

Is Social Security the Same As Disability? 

Social Security, disability, SSI, & SSDI get confused a lot.  Unless you spend your time working with these terms, it is hard to make sense…More…

How to Choose a Disability Attorney

How to Choose a Social Security Lawyer

Do you know how to  choose a Social Security Lawyer? If you’re in the process of applying for Social Security Disability, or if you’ve already…More…

10 Steps to Winning Your Social Security Disability Appeal

10 Steps to Winning A Social Security Appeal (Step-by-Step)

If you have applied for SSI or SSDI, you probably know that for many, getting approved on your first shot is a challenge.  Getting approved…More…

Is a Mental Health Impairment More Likely to Qualify for Social Security?

Is a Mental Health Impairment More Likely to Qualify for Social Security?

Many of our clients face the rigamarole of Social Security or Disability claims appeals.  In this frustrating mess, they often find themselves asking this question. …More…

Understanding the Difference Between SSD & SSI Benefits

Understanding the Difference Between SSI and SSDI

What’s the difference between SSI and SSDI? If you’ve recently developed a disability and lost the ability to work, you should know about the benefits…More…