Social Security Disability
Social Security Myth #3
“The vast majority of present recipients are on drugs but otherwise fine.” Is there a link between Social Security Benefits and Drug addiction? Some think so. To determine the truth about drugs and Social Security, it’s important that we don’t confuse a correlation with causation. Establishing Definitions It might be true that those seeking Social…
Social Security Myth #2
Social Security has a limited amount of funding for benefits and this is why their first step is to deny, initially, all claims. (See Social Security Myth #1) The truth is in the details… There are about 9 million people unable to work that collect disability because of illnesses or injuries, an extreme few…
Social Security Myth #1
“You have to apply three times and then you win” Did you know that you have to apply three times before you win a Social Security Disability claim? Well, that’s the rumor. This particular rumor is a common theme, or curse, in many discussions about claim denials. Though the idea is mostly false, it has enough…
3 Mistakes to Avoid when Denied Disability
The application process for disability and Social Security is tough enough, being denied disability only adds to the mess. You first have to more-or-less discover that you are not able to keep working. Then you have to state that you can’t work in a very deliberate way. You do this by applying for benefits directly to the…
What Does a Disability Look Like?
Each year the Social Security Administration (SSA) awards claims to over 750,000 newly disabled workers. This means that over 750,000 people are successful in claiming an SSDI award because they are or were physically or mentally unable to work anymore due to an injury or illness. To have found success, these claimants must have demonstrated to…
Surprising Facts about Social Security Disability
This is a blog about Social Security Disability and VA Service Connected Compensation. It’s intended to be well-meaning and is most often based on personal history and well-developed expertise in these fields. Though we are covering surprising Social Security facts, this is also a blog written to inform and provide a perspective beyond the clear…
The ‘First’ Worst Letter You Will Get From Social Security
“Dear Applicant…Based on a review of your health problems you do not qualify for benefits on this claim. This is because you are not disabled under our rules… We have determined that your condition is not severe enough to keep you from working…” ~Social Security This is the denial letter you don’t want to get…
How Much Will I Make on Disability?
You’ll see this question online in other blogs. Most of the time it will be phrased differently though. Instead of saying, “how much will I make on disability,” attorneys or agencies will phrase it in the form of “what will my compensation be if…” But whether you’re deciding to file a claim, or deciding to…
Your To-Do List for Social Security Disability
There was a great article published recently by Tim Moore, a former Social Security Claims Examiner. In the article, he provided advice for those seeking a Disability claim with the Social Security Administration. We loved everything he said so much, we wanted to pass it on and add a couple of thoughts of our own about picking…
The Odds: Getting Your Social Security Claim Approved
Should we start with the good news or the bad? The chances are that if you are coming across this post, you are in one of three situations. And you are curious about your chances of getting your Social Security Claim Approved. These three situations being… You are considering a filing a claim for social security…
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