security disability

How to Calculate Social Security Credits, Formerly Quarters of Coverage

How to Calculate Social Security Credits, Formerly Quarters of Coverage

The Social Security Administration (SSA) uses a credits system to determine who is eligible to collect benefits. The SSA will examine whether you have met the minimum work requirements for eligibility. These credits, once called “quarters of coverage,” are based on the amount of time you have worked, and, to some extent, the compensation you…


What You Can Expect After Your Social Security Disability Hearing

What can you expect after your Social Security disability hearing? On average, Social Security Disability appeals take months to resolve.  Once you have your appeal hearing, it’s easy to feel a deep sense of relief.  However, waiting on untimely court determinations creates unexpected stress.    Did your attorney do everything correctly?  Did your attorney make the strongest…

What happens at a Social Security Disability Hearing?

What Happens at a Social Security Disability Hearing?

What happens at a Social Security disability hearing? The idea of a Social Security disability hearing can be a daunting notion to those who have never stood before a judge before. The environment is so foreign to most people’s experiences that the entire ordeal can be overwhelming. When you’re suffering from a disability that prevents…

Do SSI Lawyers Really Help With Your Disability Claim?

Do SSI Lawyers Really Help With Your Disability Claim?

Do Social Security lawyers really help with your disability claim? If you find yourself in need of assistance for a social security disability case, it is important to get help from an expert. Many people make the error of representing themselves. While you may know your rights, it is always advantageous to reach out to…

Can You Win a Disability Claim for Meniere Disease in Spokane, WA?

Can You Win a Disability Claim for Meniere Disease in Spokane, WA?

If you have Meniere Disease and are finding it hard to work, you may qualify for Meniere Disease Disability Benefits. In fact, depending on the severity of your symptoms and if you meet the SSA requirements, you may automatically qualify. What Meniere Disease is Meniere Disease is a disorder of the inner ear (vestibular labyrinth)…

Long Waits for Social Security Disability Hearing Decisions

Long Waits for Social Security Disability Hearing Decisions

Are you currently awaiting a Social Security Disability hearing decision? Has it been months since you asked for a hearing?  You are not alone. There are many others out there in the same spot as you. So why is it taking so long to hear back? The Process of Requesting a Social Security Disability Hearing…

Four Examples of Sedentary Work And Why They May Not Apply to You

Four Examples of Sedentary Work And Why They May Not Apply to You

In order to win your appeal for Social Security disability, you must prove that your limitations from injury or illness prevent you from not only doing your recent job but any job that is also less demanding but within your ability to do.  This is difficult, especially for younger people.  Social Security believes that younger…

Can You File a Social Security Disability Claim for Pseudoclaudication?

Can You File a Social Security Disability Claim for Pseudoclaudication?

Do you suffer from excruciating back pain?  Is it making it difficult for you to work? You may be wondering if you can file for social security disability if you suffer from Pseudocladication.  Let’s look at the qualifications of social security disability.  What Is Pseudoclaudication? The term pseudoclaudication is used to describe a condition known…

Lies and Truths About Waste and the Growth of Social Security Disability

Lies and Truths About Waste and the Growth of Social Security Disability

In Myth #4 we focused on the rhetoric that Social Security disability claims were soaring, and sought to evaluate the sensational assertions using facts that are readily available, for anyone who cared to look anyway. Recently, this false claim regarding disability was put forth again for the sole purpose of making some hard to understand,…