your disability

Do SSI Lawyers Really Help You with Your Disability Claim?

Did you know that hiring an SSI Lawyer to help with your appeal can increase your chances of being approved by double? How? Why? Does it matter that much to retain a great SSI lawyer?  Reasons to Hire an SSI Lawyer The process of applying for SSI can take anywhere from one month to three…

How to Appeal A Denial for Social Security Disability in Washington State

How to Appeal A Denial for Social Security Disability in Washington State

Applying for Social Security in Washington State can be an overwhelming process.  If you are one of the greater than 70% of those who are initially denied your claim, it can be devastating, and your path to getting the benefits you have earned can be hard to see.  What should you do?  Who can help you? This…

How Does Social Security Define Incapacitated?

How Does Social Security Define Incapacitated?

To receive Social Security benefits, you must have worked jobs that are covered by Social Security as well as have a medical condition that meets Social Security’s definition of “incapacitated.” Social Security has a strict method to define incapacitated. Unlike other programs, to receive Social Security disability benefits, you must typically be incapacitated (disabled) and…

How to Help Your Disability Lawyer Win Your Social Security Claim & Appeal

How to Help Your Disability Lawyer Win Your Social Security Claim & Appeal

When filing for disability through the Social Security Administration, here is a list of eight things you can do to help your disability lawyer win your claim. Keep this list handy, in case anything on it changes. And if you are just now reaching out to a disability lawyer, here are some of the things…

Disability Hearing: Tips From a Disability Lawyer

Disability Hearing: Tips From a Disability Lawyer

Are you ready for your disability hearing? You are going to be side by side with your attorney, in front of an administrative law judge. Experts will be commenting on your desire and ability to work. And, you will have many things on your mind. What if they think I am faking my injury? How…

4 Items in Your Disability Journal That Will Help You Win Your SSDI Appeal

4 Items in Your Disability Journal That Will Help You Win Your SSDI Appeal

Social Security Disability appeals can be arduous.  They often take an incredibly long time to process.  The questions asked by medical experts and judges can leave you confused, and to top it all off, you’re expected to remember minute details about a condition that has been plaguing you for years (by the time you actually…

10 Steps to Winning Your Social Security Disability Appeal

10 Steps to Winning A Social Security Appeal (Step-by-Step)

If you have applied for SSI or SSDI, you probably know that for many, getting approved on your first shot is a challenge.  Getting approved is not an impossible challenge, but the odds can be against you. If you now have, or fear that you will have a denial letter in hand, here’s a step-by-step…