The ‘First’ Worst Letter You Will Get From Social Security

The ‘First’ Worst Letter You Will Get From Social Security

“Dear Applicant…Based on a review of your health problems you do not qualify for benefits on this claim.  This is because you are not disabled under our rules… We have determined that your condition is not severe enough to keep you from working…” ~Social Security This is the denial letter you don’t want to get…

How Much Will I Make on Disability?

How Much Will I Make on Disability?

You’ll see this question online in other blogs.  Most of the time it will be phrased differently though.  Instead of saying, “how much will I make on disability,” attorneys or agencies will phrase it in the form of “what will my compensation be if…”  But whether you’re deciding to file a claim, or deciding to…

Your To-Do List for Social Security Disability

Your To-Do List for Social Security Disability

There was a great article published recently by Tim Moore, a former Social Security Claims Examiner. In the article, he provided advice for those seeking a Disability claim with the Social Security Administration.  We loved everything he said so much, we wanted to pass it on and add a couple of thoughts of our own about picking…

Odds of winning a disability claim

The Odds: Getting Your Social Security Claim Approved

Should we start with the good news or the bad?  The chances are that if you are coming across this post, you are in one of three situations.  And you are curious about your chances of getting your Social Security Claim Approved.  These three situations being… You are considering a filing a claim for social security…


I’m Too Tough for Social Security: They Denied me Because I Worked Through my Injury

Social Security disability benefits decisions are often not fair.  If you are seeking benefits for the first time right now, you should know that the SSA makes incorrect denial decisions every day.  And they are carried out without them knowing of all the relevant facts in claims.  You may, in fact, already know this at a personal level if…

Why is SSA Taking So Long?

Why is SSA Taking So Long?

It can be extraordinarily frustrating waiting on the Social Security Administration (SSA) to make a Determination on your Claim.  Even more so as the Claim progresses from the Initial Application stage, to Reconsideration, and to the Hearing Level. That said, we often hear the question, “why is my case taking so long?” To be frank,…