medical records

Help!  Social Security Thinks I Can Perform Sedentary Work

Help!  Social Security Thinks I Can Perform Sedentary Work

You applied for Social Security benefits.  You receive a denial letter and in it, it says that you can perform sedentary work. What does this mean?  What can you do? What is Sedentary Work? When Social Security reviews your case, they look at the medical evidence that has been submitted.  They use the “grid”, a…

Can You File a Social Security Disability Claim for Pseudoclaudication?

Can You File a Social Security Disability Claim for Pseudoclaudication?

Do you suffer from excruciating back pain?  Is it making it difficult for you to work? You may be wondering if you can file for social security disability if you suffer from Pseudocladication.  Let’s look at the qualifications of social security disability.  What Is Pseudoclaudication? The term pseudoclaudication is used to describe a condition known…