5 Tips For a New SSI & SSDI Social Security Claim

5 Tips For a New SSI & SSDI Social Security Claim

If you’re filing an SSI or SSDI claim, you want to do your best to avoid ending up in an appeal process that could delay your benefits by up to 2 years!   Here are five tips to help you get ahead of the curve and give you a better chance of successfully getting your claim…

7 Ways to Enjoy the Summer While You Wait for Your Disability Appeal to Process

7 Ways to Enjoy the Summer While You Wait for Your Disability Appeal to Process

A disability appeal might take upwards of two years from the time you filed your appeal to the time you sit with your disability attorney in front of a judge.   As we spring into the Summer season, perhaps it makes sense to take a step back, ease up a little and consider some of these…

5 Questions to Ask your Social Security Disability Attorney

5 Questions to Ask your Social Security Disability Attorney

The process of obtaining Social Security can be time-consuming, stressful, and confusing.   Whether you’re filing your initial disability claim or working with a Social Security Disability Attorney on an appeal to a denial of your claim, you may still not have much personal knowledge of where you are in the process.   For this reason, we…

Physical Disabilities can be a Barrier to Employment

Physical Disabilities can be a Barrier to Employment

Defining a physical disability seems like it should be straightforward.  Something doesn’t work the way it should!  Should is, of course, a very subjective term; everyone would have a different definition “should” in this context. What is Physical Activity per the Social Security Administration? It might be easier to say there’s a norm, and most…

Substantially Gainful Activity Explained, and Examples

Substantially Gainful Activity Explained, and Examples

Social Security Disability benefits are predicated on whether or not you can perform Substantially Gainful Activity (SGA), so it makes sense that a disability blog should define that a bit better and provide examples.   Defining Substantially Gainful Activity (SGA)  Social Security bases their definition of disability on your ability to work (or perform tasks like working)…

If Your SSI Was Denied Will Your SSDI be Denied Too?

If Your SSI Was Denied Will Your SSDI be Denied Too?

SSI and SSDI are both programs for supporting people who have disabilities that stop them from being able to work.  However, the program that works best for you will be dependent upon a couple of different factors.  If we break this down a little further, we can fully address the main question:  If your SSI…

Here’s What You Should Do Now That You’ve Filed Your Social Security Disability Claim

Here’s What You Should Do Now That You’ve Filed Your Social Security Disability Claim

You’ve filed for Social Security Disability (or SSI) because you’re unable to work due to an injury or illness.  Great job!  But now what can you do to set yourself up of the best possible chance of success?   Here are four things to do for anyone who has filed a social security disability claim….

5 Reasons Social Security Denied Your Disability Claim When Your Doctor Said You Were Disabled

How Much Does A Social Security Disability Lawyer Cost in Spokane, WA?

For some, the concern about the cost of a great Social Security disability lawyer stops them from ever even picking up the phone to find out. We would all love to have the best disability attorney that money can buy, right!  But, we all remember that line, “you get what you pay for…” Would you…

5 Reasons Social Security Denied Your Disability Claim When Your Doctor Said You Were Disabled

5 Reasons Social Security Denied Your Disability Claim When Your Doctor Said You Were Disabled

If you’re wondering why Social Security denied your disability when your doctor soundly believed that your ailments were disabled…you’re not alone!  That may offer some relief, but now that you’ve been denied (or were denied some time ago), you need to get ready to take another look at your application for social security disability.  …

How to Make Social Security Understand Your Mental Health Challenges, 4 Tips

How to Make Social Security Understand Your Mental Health Challenges, 4 Tips

In another article, we discovered there was/is no evidence that having a Mental Health Impairment will improve or decrease your chances of successfully achieving a disability or Social Security claim.  In this article, we wanted to explore that idea in a bit more detail.   We’re not interested in looking at the broad scope of,…